GPF Deduction Slabs in Rajasthan

 Rates prescribed by the Government from March, 2018

(Effective till Date)

Sl. No.Pay drawn in Pay MatrixRate of Subscription in Rs.
1Upto Rs. 23100/-1,450.00
2Rs. 23101/- to 28500/-1,625.00
3Rs. 28501/- to 38500/-2,100.00
4Rs. 38501/- to 51500/-2,850.00
5Rs. 51501/- to 62000/-3,575.00
6Rs. 62001/- to 72000/-4,200.00
7Rs. 72001/- to 80000/-4,800.00
8Rs. 80001/- to 116000/-6,150.00
9Rs. 116001/- to 167000/-8,900.00
10167001/- and Above10,500.00